Read and annotate the excerpt “Why People Don’t Help in a Crisis” (417-423) by John M. Darley and Bibb Latané from the Longman Reader.
1) Identify the thesis of the essay and where it is located in the essay and what type of argument the writers are developing.
2) Interpret and explain in your own words the authors’ statement, “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419).
3) Find an online article that is related to this reading. Be sure it includes a crisis where there was or was not a “Good Samaritan” involved (provide source). Explain how your article connects to the essay (supports the claim or refutes the claim). If you Google Kitty Genovese, you will read more about this shocking story.
4) Draw on your own experience or the experience of someone you know and describe an incident when you or your friends did or did not choose to help someone in a crisis. You must provide one post and at least two replies to your peers before 11pm on Wednesday, March 18th.
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