1. Thesis: The bystander must do in a crisis while interpreting it and first of all notice it. (416)
2. I think that the quote is simply saying "who would go somewhere no one goes?". Especially when it comes to food. More so, people are comfortable in groups and doing things in common.
"Darfur has been the focus of international attention since 2004, when government troops and militia groups known as janjaweed moved to crush rebels who complained that the region's black African ethnic groups had been neglected by the Muslim central government. The janjaweed, backed by government troops, carried out widespread killings of civilians. The United Nations estimates that the five-year conflict left 300,000 people dead and 2.7 million more who are believed to have fled their homes in the face of atrocities and the destruction of villages."
I think all I really need to say is that it is 2009. It's been more that five years since this genocide, and Sudan may not be our country, but the United Nations draws the line at genocide.
As benefits and organizations take place to donate, they could be considered the good Samaritans, but after five years, I tend to think about it every now and then, what would it be like if it were here, or we lived there?
4. Fifth grade, my friend choked on some food and people just sat there for a second while I ran to find a teacher. Heimlich here she came thankfully she was fine, but people were laughing and I just didn't understand it and I still do not understand it today.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Zachary Hoffmann Blog Post 3
4) Draw on your own experience or the experience of someone you know and describe an incident when you or your friends did or did not choose to help someone in a crisis.
I might be doing this one wrong because this isn't about me helping or not helping someone else its about people not helping me.
I was driving home from Tampa recently and was almost home. It was raining out. I went to switch lanes because I was in the left lane and someone was coming up fast behind me. When I went into the right lane it was an uneven lane and one of my tires lost traction. I started spinning in my mothers Ford Expedition and ended up flipping it. One person did stop and help but that was it. Everyone else just kept driving on. Maybe it was because it was raining or they just assumed that the other guy had it under control, even though for all they know he could have been involved with the crash too, but only one person stopped.
I might be doing this one wrong because this isn't about me helping or not helping someone else its about people not helping me.
I was driving home from Tampa recently and was almost home. It was raining out. I went to switch lanes because I was in the left lane and someone was coming up fast behind me. When I went into the right lane it was an uneven lane and one of my tires lost traction. I started spinning in my mothers Ford Expedition and ended up flipping it. One person did stop and help but that was it. Everyone else just kept driving on. Maybe it was because it was raining or they just assumed that the other guy had it under control, even though for all they know he could have been involved with the crash too, but only one person stopped.
1) Identify the thesis of the essay and where it is located in the essay and what type of argument the writers are developing.
The authors' thesis is "As we shall show, the presence of other bystanders may at each stage inhibit his action." It was in the last paragraph of the introduction around the mid section of page 418. After reading it i thought that is was a constructive argument.
2) Interpret and explain in your own words the authors’ statement, “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419).
The authors cliam that people like to fit it, they dont want to stand out because they want to avoid being made fun of, in a sense. It says, "A person trying to interpret a situation often looks at those around him to see how he should react (419)." Most people feel like if they are the only ones wanting to make a certain decision, they must be wrong. Others make them uncertain about their choices.
3) Find an online article that is related to this reading. Be sure it includes a crisis where there was or was not a “Good Samaritan” involved (provide source). Explain how your article connects to the essay (supports the claim or refutes the claim). If you Google Kitty Genovese, you will read more about this shocking story.
A) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29737420/ This article is about a good samaritan saves 3 people from a burning ship. This article relates to the story because this is a situation where if no one helped there would be deaths involved. Luckily someone stepped up and saved the poeple. In the book, that is usually not the case. But in this situation, there was probably an immediate reaction and no one had a second to think things through, they just reacted.
The authors' thesis is "As we shall show, the presence of other bystanders may at each stage inhibit his action." It was in the last paragraph of the introduction around the mid section of page 418. After reading it i thought that is was a constructive argument.
2) Interpret and explain in your own words the authors’ statement, “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419).
The authors cliam that people like to fit it, they dont want to stand out because they want to avoid being made fun of, in a sense. It says, "A person trying to interpret a situation often looks at those around him to see how he should react (419)." Most people feel like if they are the only ones wanting to make a certain decision, they must be wrong. Others make them uncertain about their choices.
3) Find an online article that is related to this reading. Be sure it includes a crisis where there was or was not a “Good Samaritan” involved (provide source). Explain how your article connects to the essay (supports the claim or refutes the claim). If you Google Kitty Genovese, you will read more about this shocking story.
A) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29737420/ This article is about a good samaritan saves 3 people from a burning ship. This article relates to the story because this is a situation where if no one helped there would be deaths involved. Luckily someone stepped up and saved the poeple. In the book, that is usually not the case. But in this situation, there was probably an immediate reaction and no one had a second to think things through, they just reacted.
blog post 3 by nick peters
The thesis is at the opening of the story, “If we look closely at the behavior of witnesses to these incidents, the people involved begin to seem less inhuman and a lot more like the rest of us. They are not indifferent." The author is using the traditional argument approach. The statement means that no one will go to a place that is empty, people will go to a place if it is packed and if they have to wait to go there, rather than being the only person there. Some will believe that the restaurant will have bad food, or might even be dangerous to go to. http://www.week.com/news/local/41458402.html A woman was putting her bags in her trunk and was met by a man punching her to almost certain death, he stole her keys and as he began to back up and almost hit her, she was pushed out of the way by another woman who heard her screams for help moments after the man began to pummel her. This shows that some people do have some sense of goodness in them. Anytime during a soccer game someone will get seriously hurt at one point or another, sometimes there will be a teammate that will help, sometimes everyone will just look at the person and expect others to do something. I have done my fair share of both, but if no one goes to his aid, whether I know the person or not, I will give a helping hand.
Sara Rieveley Blog Post 3 Question 3
3) Find an online article that is related to this reading. Be sure it includes a crisis where there was or was not a “Good Samaritan” involved (provide source). Explain how your article connects to the essay (supports the claim or refutes the claim). If you Google Kitty Genovese, you will read more about this shocking story.
Good Samaritan Saves 3 From Burning Ship
On Tuesday, a good samaritan rescued three people abandoned from a life raft. The three people had to flee the fire burning boat into a life raft. A near by fishing boat rescued the three people from the life raft. The people on the boat had been fishing 30 miles Southeast of Cape May, N.J. This article pertains to the thesis of Why People Don't Help in a Crisis. The thesis of the short essay is, "Thus, the stereotype of the unconcerned, depersonalized homo urbanus, blandly watching the misfortunes of others, proves inaccurate. Instead, we find that bystander to an emergency is an anguished individual in genuine doubt, wanting to do the right thing but compelled to make complex decisions under pressure of stress and fear" (pg. 421). I believe the author of this essay made a valid point that many people are unsure that help is in need in certain situations. Many people may be too caught up in what they are doing to evene realize someone is in need of help. I believe the fishing boat that rescued these 3 people really knew that they needed to be helped, so they helped them. They did the right thing when they realized the people were in need of help.
Good Samaritan Saves 3 From Burning Ship
On Tuesday, a good samaritan rescued three people abandoned from a life raft. The three people had to flee the fire burning boat into a life raft. A near by fishing boat rescued the three people from the life raft. The people on the boat had been fishing 30 miles Southeast of Cape May, N.J. This article pertains to the thesis of Why People Don't Help in a Crisis. The thesis of the short essay is, "Thus, the stereotype of the unconcerned, depersonalized homo urbanus, blandly watching the misfortunes of others, proves inaccurate. Instead, we find that bystander to an emergency is an anguished individual in genuine doubt, wanting to do the right thing but compelled to make complex decisions under pressure of stress and fear" (pg. 421). I believe the author of this essay made a valid point that many people are unsure that help is in need in certain situations. Many people may be too caught up in what they are doing to evene realize someone is in need of help. I believe the fishing boat that rescued these 3 people really knew that they needed to be helped, so they helped them. They did the right thing when they realized the people were in need of help.
Blog Post 3
2) Interpret and explain in your own words the authors’ statement, “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419).
This statement from the author can be interpreted into someone playing "follow the leader." I beleive that he is trying to say that whenever a passer-by is looking for a place to eat, they are more likely to choose the place that looks more popular, which is usually the one with more cars in the parking lot. The author is attempting to relate this "follow the leader" mentality to the answer to Why People Don't Help in a Crisis. He is saying that people tend to become more alert if others are also in a state of panic. It is a very sad thing that people have come to looking to others on whether or not they should help out someone in need. I hope the author is mistaken in this statement because I can never see myself walking by someone who needs medical assistance or who is being attacked by someone or something.
This statement from the author can be interpreted into someone playing "follow the leader." I beleive that he is trying to say that whenever a passer-by is looking for a place to eat, they are more likely to choose the place that looks more popular, which is usually the one with more cars in the parking lot. The author is attempting to relate this "follow the leader" mentality to the answer to Why People Don't Help in a Crisis. He is saying that people tend to become more alert if others are also in a state of panic. It is a very sad thing that people have come to looking to others on whether or not they should help out someone in need. I hope the author is mistaken in this statement because I can never see myself walking by someone who needs medical assistance or who is being attacked by someone or something.
Zack Newman Blog Post numero tres
4) My family and I had gone to my friends house for the day to hang out on a summer day. Cory, my friend, and I were about 8 years old at the time and my younger brother was about 4. We had all spent the day playing around the neighborhood and swimming in his pool like kids that age do during the summer. We had all just sat down to eat dinner out by the pool on the patio table, Jake, Cory, Dianna, Cindy, my mom, and myself. As we all eat are spectacular pasta, with meatballs and sweet bread with butter. Jake gets up like he is heading towards the bathroom, but instead he darts towards the pool. He can not swim yet by the way. Jake leaps into the deep end as both parents are yelling without moving an inch yet and Corey and Dianna are left speechless. Jake hits the water and sinks like a rock and as he hit the water I had already begun to run towards the pool. I picked Jake up off the bottom of the deep end and pulled him onto the steps as everyone else has still yet to move towards the pool. I was 8 years old and was the only person to react in this emergency and if it were not for me I dont know if Jake would be here today.
Blog 3 -- Lisa Melchiorre
This topic reminds me of this specific commerical that played often on tv:
1. Thesis: "There are three things the bystander must do...notice...interpret... and decide that he has personal responsibility..." pg. 418 6th paragraph
2. "It's a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot."
This quote makes sense, not unless you are an adventurous person who isn't afraid of anything I don't think that you'd stop in at a place where no one else is not unless you've been there many times before and are comfortable with the place. I know that if there aren't more than 2 cars somewhere I most likely won't go to that place, not unless I had a large group of people with me, because then it makes things more comfortable and less awkward.
3. http://www.kpho.com/news/18637301/detail.html#- this is a story of how a bystander stopped a robber & carjacker from getting away.
4. I know that the bystander effect happens constantly. For example, in a classroom when no one else raises their hand to answer a question, you tend to shy away from being the odd man out by raising your hand. Also, when you are with a group of friends somewhere and you all have a question about how something works, but no one wants to ask a person who works there. I know I am always the first person to shy away from standing up and saying "I'll go ask the question, what is it?"
1. Thesis: "There are three things the bystander must do...notice...interpret... and decide that he has personal responsibility..." pg. 418 6th paragraph
2. "It's a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot."
This quote makes sense, not unless you are an adventurous person who isn't afraid of anything I don't think that you'd stop in at a place where no one else is not unless you've been there many times before and are comfortable with the place. I know that if there aren't more than 2 cars somewhere I most likely won't go to that place, not unless I had a large group of people with me, because then it makes things more comfortable and less awkward.
3. http://www.kpho.com/news/18637301/detail.html#- this is a story of how a bystander stopped a robber & carjacker from getting away.
4. I know that the bystander effect happens constantly. For example, in a classroom when no one else raises their hand to answer a question, you tend to shy away from being the odd man out by raising your hand. Also, when you are with a group of friends somewhere and you all have a question about how something works, but no one wants to ask a person who works there. I know I am always the first person to shy away from standing up and saying "I'll go ask the question, what is it?"
Why won't we help in a crisis?
This letter is a real eye opener and i can see why you guys chose it as your favorite essay of them all. The thesis was stated clearly at the end of the first subsection and it read: "There are three things the bystander must do...for intervention. As we shall...inhibit his action." It outlines what the essay will be about, gives the reader a brief summary of each sub-topic, and then give a short tidbit of information to wrap it up.
“It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419)
The author gives this as an example of a similar, not so serious situation. If no one else is going to stop and eat there, it must not be any good, must not have anything special or important about it. The same thought process is shown when amergencies occur, if no one else is helping, then it must not be that big of a deal so I won't bother.
I googled good amaritan and i came upon an interesting story...
DENVER – A good Samaritan who helped push three people out of the path of a pickup truck before being struck and injured has gotten a strange reward for his good deed: A jaywalking ticket.
Family members said 58-year-old bus driver Jim Moffett and another man were helping two elderly women cross a busy Denver street in a snowstorm when he was hit Friday night.
Moffett suffered bleeding in the brain, broken bones, a dislocated shoulder and a possible ruptured spleen. He was in serious but stable condition Wednesday.
The Colorado State Patrol issued the citation. Trooper Ryan Sullivan said that despite Moffett's intentions, jaywalking contributed to the accident.
Moffett had been driving his bus when the two women got off. In the interest of safety, he got out and, together with another passenger, helped the ladies cross.
Moffett's stepson, Ken McDonald, said the driver of the pickup plowed into his stepfather, but not before Moffett pushed the two women out of the way.
When he awoke in intensive care, he learned of the ticket. "His reaction was dazed and confused. I was a little angry," said McDonald.
The other man also was cited for jaywalking, while the pickup driver was cited with careless driving that led to injury. Sullivan said the two elderly women haven't been cited but the investigation is ongoing.
This shows that people still have the conciousness to do good deeds, even though it may not have been an emergency. But now we have even more evidence as to why we should not stick our necks out for other people. If we do, we'll not only end up in the hospital, but with a ticket, all for doing the right thing...
Tonight at dinner, my friend Will tried to say hi to a young man that wasn't very fond of him. The kid blew him off and Will laughed lowdly at his arrogance. The young man replied "you don't know who you're talking to." The roughient was obviously disgruntled at my pal and I decided that it was my turn to step in. Keep in mind, my friend is about five foot six, about a hundred thiry pounds soken wet, and the other kid is probably six feet, one-eighty. I explained to the young man that hey, he was just trying to say hi, and i got a little explative but in short i told him to leave Will alone because he didn't know who he was talking to.
“It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419)
The author gives this as an example of a similar, not so serious situation. If no one else is going to stop and eat there, it must not be any good, must not have anything special or important about it. The same thought process is shown when amergencies occur, if no one else is helping, then it must not be that big of a deal so I won't bother.
I googled good amaritan and i came upon an interesting story...
DENVER – A good Samaritan who helped push three people out of the path of a pickup truck before being struck and injured has gotten a strange reward for his good deed: A jaywalking ticket.
Family members said 58-year-old bus driver Jim Moffett and another man were helping two elderly women cross a busy Denver street in a snowstorm when he was hit Friday night.
Moffett suffered bleeding in the brain, broken bones, a dislocated shoulder and a possible ruptured spleen. He was in serious but stable condition Wednesday.
The Colorado State Patrol issued the citation. Trooper Ryan Sullivan said that despite Moffett's intentions, jaywalking contributed to the accident.
Moffett had been driving his bus when the two women got off. In the interest of safety, he got out and, together with another passenger, helped the ladies cross.
Moffett's stepson, Ken McDonald, said the driver of the pickup plowed into his stepfather, but not before Moffett pushed the two women out of the way.
When he awoke in intensive care, he learned of the ticket. "His reaction was dazed and confused. I was a little angry," said McDonald.
The other man also was cited for jaywalking, while the pickup driver was cited with careless driving that led to injury. Sullivan said the two elderly women haven't been cited but the investigation is ongoing.
This shows that people still have the conciousness to do good deeds, even though it may not have been an emergency. But now we have even more evidence as to why we should not stick our necks out for other people. If we do, we'll not only end up in the hospital, but with a ticket, all for doing the right thing...
Tonight at dinner, my friend Will tried to say hi to a young man that wasn't very fond of him. The kid blew him off and Will laughed lowdly at his arrogance. The young man replied "you don't know who you're talking to." The roughient was obviously disgruntled at my pal and I decided that it was my turn to step in. Keep in mind, my friend is about five foot six, about a hundred thiry pounds soken wet, and the other kid is probably six feet, one-eighty. I explained to the young man that hey, he was just trying to say hi, and i got a little explative but in short i told him to leave Will alone because he didn't know who he was talking to.
Stephanie Kumez blog post 3
The thesis of "Why People Don't Help in a Crisis" is that people will not help another person unless they are the only one with them or multiple people are helping. And that when it seem that many people are doing or going some where it is a better place to go then a place with less people. “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419). People are like sheep they follow were the majority of other people are, for someone to do something that most people wouldn't do either knows a good secret about the place or they just want to be different, their like the black sheep in a flock of white. There is a story about a 35 year old women who lived in China. http://www.chinasmack.com/stories/mother-run-over-cement-truck-fuzhou/
She had been hit by a cement truck and was dragged 5 to 6 meters. She was hit on Guangda Road which is a 2-3 minute moped ride away from her house. Mrs. F was standing a cross the road when she heard the accident, she died 120 (our 911) and went and helped her call her husband as she was trapped under the cement truck. She died and hour later, when the family was told she would only live for 20 mins.
There was a time when I was with my family in Hawaii and we were climbing the lava when a girl and her boyfriend were coming back. It was almost dark out, and when we saw her she had just fell and was covered in blood and no one not even her boyfriend was helping her up. She my dad helped her up and took a small towel we had and some water and helped clean her up. And since it was going to be dark soon and they had a way to go he gave her one of our small flashlight to use to see her way back, and told her not to give it to her boyfriend.
She had been hit by a cement truck and was dragged 5 to 6 meters. She was hit on Guangda Road which is a 2-3 minute moped ride away from her house. Mrs. F was standing a cross the road when she heard the accident, she died 120 (our 911) and went and helped her call her husband as she was trapped under the cement truck. She died and hour later, when the family was told she would only live for 20 mins.
There was a time when I was with my family in Hawaii and we were climbing the lava when a girl and her boyfriend were coming back. It was almost dark out, and when we saw her she had just fell and was covered in blood and no one not even her boyfriend was helping her up. She my dad helped her up and took a small towel we had and some water and helped clean her up. And since it was going to be dark soon and they had a way to go he gave her one of our small flashlight to use to see her way back, and told her not to give it to her boyfriend.
Blog 3 Why People Don't Help in a Crisis
2) Interpret and explain in your own words the authors’ statement, “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419).
The author included this proverb to extend the thinking process when reading this essay. He uses the traveler to related him to a regular person. No one special just a standard human being and relates the restaurant to anything we experience during out lifetime whether it be a crisis like the ones in the passage or an opportunity. The parking lot is used in reference to our personal conformity to the world around us. Conformity is defined as action in accord with prevailing social standards, attitudes, practices. It takes self esteem and confidence to take the road less travelled or, "the restaurant where no other cars appear in the parking lot."
I recently watched a show whose topic was very similar to this essay. There was an experiement done where a man wearing torn clothing like he was homeless fell down on a busy side walk with a beer can in his hand. He did not move or ask for help but laid there in the middle of the day for all to see. He laid there for several minutes in silence with others staring at him until a homeless woman came over to try and wake him up. After attempting to wake him up for several minutes she stood over top of his body to protect him, threw away the beer can and asked people that walked by to call 911 from their cell phone. She begged people for another 20 minutes before one lady called 911. It was amazing to watch these seemingly rich people look down upon this man and how they completely igored the homeless woman who was trying to help.
The author included this proverb to extend the thinking process when reading this essay. He uses the traveler to related him to a regular person. No one special just a standard human being and relates the restaurant to anything we experience during out lifetime whether it be a crisis like the ones in the passage or an opportunity. The parking lot is used in reference to our personal conformity to the world around us. Conformity is defined as action in accord with prevailing social standards, attitudes, practices. It takes self esteem and confidence to take the road less travelled or, "the restaurant where no other cars appear in the parking lot."
I recently watched a show whose topic was very similar to this essay. There was an experiement done where a man wearing torn clothing like he was homeless fell down on a busy side walk with a beer can in his hand. He did not move or ask for help but laid there in the middle of the day for all to see. He laid there for several minutes in silence with others staring at him until a homeless woman came over to try and wake him up. After attempting to wake him up for several minutes she stood over top of his body to protect him, threw away the beer can and asked people that walked by to call 911 from their cell phone. She begged people for another 20 minutes before one lady called 911. It was amazing to watch these seemingly rich people look down upon this man and how they completely igored the homeless woman who was trying to help.
Blog 3: Why Don't People Help in a Crisis?
1) Identify the thesis of the essay and where it is located in the essay and what type of argument the writers are developing.
A) I believe that the authors' thesis is "As we shall show, the presence of other bystanders may at each stage inhibit his action." They placed it in the last paragraph of the introduction in the middle of pp 418. I believe that this is a constructive argument.
2) Interpret and explain in your own words the authors’ statement, “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419).
A) The authors are saying that most people make their decisions based on the decisions from those around them. They state, "A person trying to interpret a situation often looks at those around him to see how he should react (419)." The majority of people don't like standing alone in a decision. Others have a huge impact on one's decision. People tend to go with the flow.
3) Find an online article that is related to this reading. Be sure it includes a crisis where there was or was not a “Good Samaritan” involved (provide source). Explain how your article connects to the essay (supports the claim or refutes the claim). If you Google Kitty Genovese, you will read more about this shocking story.
A) This was a very unfortunate article and it ties in perfectly with the essay. To make a long story short, a mother was assaulted by two teen girls on a city bus. The brawl moved to the sidewalk where at least thirty people passed by without doing anything to help. Unfortunately there were no Good Samaritans present. This article defends the authors' thesis, the presence of others inhibits one's actions. No one helped because everyone seemed hesitant. Each individual acted on the decisions of everyone else, not to help. In the essay the two authors write, "...the presence of other bystanders may still make him less likely to intervene." This is exactly the case.
Source: http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/528690
4) Draw on your own experience or the experience of someone you know and describe an incident when you or your friends did or did not choose to help someone in a crisis.
A) My friend just recently called me from Pennsylvania and told me about a fight he was involved in. It was his fault but he did apologize and wanted to make it up. The others insisted that they fight. To my friend's disadvantage, he was hit from behind and knocked to the ground. He was getting kicked and punched and the two other people he was with did nothing to help. The two friends were hesitant to act because the other was too. This story and the one above about the mother definitely support Darley and Latane's claim.
A) I believe that the authors' thesis is "As we shall show, the presence of other bystanders may at each stage inhibit his action." They placed it in the last paragraph of the introduction in the middle of pp 418. I believe that this is a constructive argument.
2) Interpret and explain in your own words the authors’ statement, “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419).
A) The authors are saying that most people make their decisions based on the decisions from those around them. They state, "A person trying to interpret a situation often looks at those around him to see how he should react (419)." The majority of people don't like standing alone in a decision. Others have a huge impact on one's decision. People tend to go with the flow.
3) Find an online article that is related to this reading. Be sure it includes a crisis where there was or was not a “Good Samaritan” involved (provide source). Explain how your article connects to the essay (supports the claim or refutes the claim). If you Google Kitty Genovese, you will read more about this shocking story.
A) This was a very unfortunate article and it ties in perfectly with the essay. To make a long story short, a mother was assaulted by two teen girls on a city bus. The brawl moved to the sidewalk where at least thirty people passed by without doing anything to help. Unfortunately there were no Good Samaritans present. This article defends the authors' thesis, the presence of others inhibits one's actions. No one helped because everyone seemed hesitant. Each individual acted on the decisions of everyone else, not to help. In the essay the two authors write, "...the presence of other bystanders may still make him less likely to intervene." This is exactly the case.
Source: http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/528690
4) Draw on your own experience or the experience of someone you know and describe an incident when you or your friends did or did not choose to help someone in a crisis.
A) My friend just recently called me from Pennsylvania and told me about a fight he was involved in. It was his fault but he did apologize and wanted to make it up. The others insisted that they fight. To my friend's disadvantage, he was hit from behind and knocked to the ground. He was getting kicked and punched and the two other people he was with did nothing to help. The two friends were hesitant to act because the other was too. This story and the one above about the mother definitely support Darley and Latane's claim.
Joey Guarnaccia Blog 3
2) Interpret and explain in your own words the authors’ statement, “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419).
To me this quote means that it takes a special person to be able disregard what the whole group is doing and try something new and different. In this quote, its like the rare traveler is taking a chance with the empty restaurant. Do not always be a follower. I remember my Dad would always use to tell me not to be a settler. It meant not to settle for what everyone else is doing, separate yourself from the group, sprint when everyone else is jogging. He would relate this to baseball a lot and it has helped me this whole time growing up. With out people seperating themselves we would not have much of variety in the world.
To me this quote means that it takes a special person to be able disregard what the whole group is doing and try something new and different. In this quote, its like the rare traveler is taking a chance with the empty restaurant. Do not always be a follower. I remember my Dad would always use to tell me not to be a settler. It meant not to settle for what everyone else is doing, separate yourself from the group, sprint when everyone else is jogging. He would relate this to baseball a lot and it has helped me this whole time growing up. With out people seperating themselves we would not have much of variety in the world.
Post 3 Why people don't help in a crisis
In the essay “Why People Don’t Help in a Crisis”, the authors’ main argument is that people’s actions are influenced by the actions of the group of people around them. This means that if there is a crowd of people looking up at the sky, then most likely you will look up too. Of course the authors in this particular article discuss the influence this mind set has on emergencies, and the way people react when facing a crisis. The authors use constructive argument by showing studies and examples to arrive at a conclusion, which is also their thesis. When the authors state “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot”, they are trying to say that people are less likely to do something when the majority does not do the same. Therefore, you are not going into a restaurant that has no cars in the parking lot because you assume that is not a good restaurant.
Unfortunately I found an article that supports the essay’s claim. This article is about a man who was run over and left bleeding in the middle of the street. The perpetrator who ran over the man did not stop, but more disturbing, the cars passing the man on the ground did not stop either. The people in the sidewalk just stared as the 78 years-old man lay bleeding on the ground. No one in this situation wanted to take initiative, no one wanted to get involved.
I’ve personally witnessed this so called phenomenon, where people become indifferent, afraid to help someone who is in a crisis. When I was nine my cousin, a couple of friends and I, were playing soccer when one of my friends kicked the ball too high and got stuck on a tree. My cousin decided to retrieve the ball by climbing the tree. As he was getting higher and closer to the ball my cousin slipped, fell and broke his arm. As soon as this happened some of my friends took off running. Instead, I told my cousin to stay calm and not move while I went and got help. I called my dad, who got my cousin to the hospital. Maybe my reaction came natural since he was family. Maybe I would have not reacted the same way if it was someone else, but I doubt it. I was raised learning that helping people is the right thing to do, especially when they are seriously injured. I just like to follow the golden rule, “do onto others as you want them do onto you”.
Unfortunately I found an article that supports the essay’s claim. This article is about a man who was run over and left bleeding in the middle of the street. The perpetrator who ran over the man did not stop, but more disturbing, the cars passing the man on the ground did not stop either. The people in the sidewalk just stared as the 78 years-old man lay bleeding on the ground. No one in this situation wanted to take initiative, no one wanted to get involved.
I’ve personally witnessed this so called phenomenon, where people become indifferent, afraid to help someone who is in a crisis. When I was nine my cousin, a couple of friends and I, were playing soccer when one of my friends kicked the ball too high and got stuck on a tree. My cousin decided to retrieve the ball by climbing the tree. As he was getting higher and closer to the ball my cousin slipped, fell and broke his arm. As soon as this happened some of my friends took off running. Instead, I told my cousin to stay calm and not move while I went and got help. I called my dad, who got my cousin to the hospital. Maybe my reaction came natural since he was family. Maybe I would have not reacted the same way if it was someone else, but I doubt it. I was raised learning that helping people is the right thing to do, especially when they are seriously injured. I just like to follow the golden rule, “do onto others as you want them do onto you”.
Blog 2 - Joey G
After reading the letter, I agree that the wolrd has changed dramatically in the past ten years. With all of the stupid suing and legal issues we have no its ridiculous. I also agree that the "entertainment" is getting more violent and it needs to be more violent to catch the eye of the audience now a days. Also I took that a opinion is valuable and dont sell it for anything less. At the end I read this bullet point over and over because it made a lot of sense to me
"Speak up. Do not be so cowed by aggression or so driven by conciliatory
concerns that you lose touch with your values and core beliefs. Be gracious to
your colleagues in dialogue, but know that for which you stand."
"Speak up. Do not be so cowed by aggression or so driven by conciliatory
concerns that you lose touch with your values and core beliefs. Be gracious to
your colleagues in dialogue, but know that for which you stand."
Advertising Post
In this post they are advertising the sale of a way to check your credit online. They are using a catchy way to catch your attention by playing the song. I know I have caught myself just start singing the freecreditreport.com song all the time. They use simple words that everyone can understand and be able to interpret. They are targeting the ages from 18 and up and to the ones who has had trouble in the past with knowing there credit.
2) Interpret and explain in your own words the authors’ statement, “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419).
To me this quote means that it is rare for a person to pick a restaurant that is not popular. The traveler would probably conclude that the food at the popular restaurant is better than the food at a not popular restaurant. Since the traveler doesn't know the area very well, they are going to trust the opinion of other people. For all the traveler knows, the other restaurant could be closed or vacant because the health department closed them down. Our society tends to follow the social norm, or what's popular at that moment. It tends to be a safer move to trust the opinion of many other people than to be adventurous and walk down the road less traveled.
To me this quote means that it is rare for a person to pick a restaurant that is not popular. The traveler would probably conclude that the food at the popular restaurant is better than the food at a not popular restaurant. Since the traveler doesn't know the area very well, they are going to trust the opinion of other people. For all the traveler knows, the other restaurant could be closed or vacant because the health department closed them down. Our society tends to follow the social norm, or what's popular at that moment. It tends to be a safer move to trust the opinion of many other people than to be adventurous and walk down the road less traveled.
Mary Dalla Costa-blog 3
I believe the thesis is stated at the begining of the fourth paragraph on page 418. "If we look closely at the behavior of witnesses to these incidents, the people involved begin to seem less inhuman and a lot more like the rest of us. They are not indifferent." The authors then elaborate on that claim using the traditional argument approach.
When the authors talks about the rare driver who stops to eat at the restaurant with no cars in the parking lot, they mean that it's rare to find someone who is different all by themselves. Most people would pick a restaurant where there is a substantial amount of people there for whatever reason, but few decide to the the alternative rout and be unique.
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1540733/posts This article is about a nurse who went for Starbucks after work one night to smell smoke. She saw people around, but no one seemed to care. She traced the smoke to a homeless man who was caught on fire. She tried to wake him up, but he was passed out from a seizure. She tried to extinguish the fire but when she went into Starbucks to get water, there was a callous woman who said things like don't worry about him, he's just a homeless person. The hospital doesn't want him. She obviously knew about the incident and didn't care to help. The nurse helped him get to the hospital and luckily he didn't have any serious injuries.
I believe this article goes hand in hand with the essay. It shows that there are those who do ignore, but it also proves that there are people out there who are different. I like to think I'm one of them. I was at a park one day at my job and I saw a little girl about two years old just crying and screaming on the sidewalk. I looked around at everyone else and tried to firgure out who her mom or dad was, but no one looked back. Everyone was acting like it wasn't happening. How can you ignore a screaming child? I picked her up and tried talking to her, but it wasn't working, so I decided she might not speak English. I got one of the chilren I watch to come by me and ask her where her mom was in Spanish. She still didn't reply. Just screams. Finally, a little girl came up and started talking to her and I asked where her mother was and she was over by the basketball courts. I didn't understand how you could just not notice your toddler isn't by your side. But, luckily I was there and I stayed by her side to make sure she was safe because apparently no one else would.
When the authors talks about the rare driver who stops to eat at the restaurant with no cars in the parking lot, they mean that it's rare to find someone who is different all by themselves. Most people would pick a restaurant where there is a substantial amount of people there for whatever reason, but few decide to the the alternative rout and be unique.
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1540733/posts This article is about a nurse who went for Starbucks after work one night to smell smoke. She saw people around, but no one seemed to care. She traced the smoke to a homeless man who was caught on fire. She tried to wake him up, but he was passed out from a seizure. She tried to extinguish the fire but when she went into Starbucks to get water, there was a callous woman who said things like don't worry about him, he's just a homeless person. The hospital doesn't want him. She obviously knew about the incident and didn't care to help. The nurse helped him get to the hospital and luckily he didn't have any serious injuries.
I believe this article goes hand in hand with the essay. It shows that there are those who do ignore, but it also proves that there are people out there who are different. I like to think I'm one of them. I was at a park one day at my job and I saw a little girl about two years old just crying and screaming on the sidewalk. I looked around at everyone else and tried to firgure out who her mom or dad was, but no one looked back. Everyone was acting like it wasn't happening. How can you ignore a screaming child? I picked her up and tried talking to her, but it wasn't working, so I decided she might not speak English. I got one of the chilren I watch to come by me and ask her where her mom was in Spanish. She still didn't reply. Just screams. Finally, a little girl came up and started talking to her and I asked where her mother was and she was over by the basketball courts. I didn't understand how you could just not notice your toddler isn't by your side. But, luckily I was there and I stayed by her side to make sure she was safe because apparently no one else would.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Why People Don't Help in a Crisis: Blog Post 3 by Chad, Andrew, and Joey R

Read and annotate the excerpt “Why People Don’t Help in a Crisis” (417-423) by John M. Darley and Bibb LatanĂ© from the Longman Reader.
1) Identify the thesis of the essay and where it is located in the essay and what type of argument the writers are developing.
2) Interpret and explain in your own words the authors’ statement, “It’s a rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot” (419).
3) Find an online article that is related to this reading. Be sure it includes a crisis where there was or was not a “Good Samaritan” involved (provide source). Explain how your article connects to the essay (supports the claim or refutes the claim). If you Google Kitty Genovese, you will read more about this shocking story.
4) Draw on your own experience or the experience of someone you know and describe an incident when you or your friends did or did not choose to help someone in a crisis. You must provide one post and at least two replies to your peers before 11pm on Wednesday, March 18th.
In this E-letter three very important points about polarization is that not all issues have two totally equal sides, you should express yourself and speak up about your opinion, and that someones opinion is a valuable resource. Not every issue is plain black and white, with 2 equal sides, sometimes the other person is just plain wrong no matter how hard they argue. The best part of living in America is the fact that we can speak our opinions and think how we want. There is no reason to hide your thoughts and feelings. Just as important that you feel your opinion is, someone else feels the same about theirs. Everyones opinion is a valuable resource when trying to figure out the source of a problem and how to solve it.
I will have to admit that at times I can contribute to the argumentative attitudes and polarizations. Even though lacrosse is a recreational sport, to me playing is not just a game. I take things very seriously and dont mess around, I feel like I am in it to win it and no one can stop me. There have been many instances when things get heated on the field seeing as I play center. I am always in the middle of the game and very competitive. Now that I am injured and dont play there is no outlet for my competitiveness and arguments so I feel like currently I do not contribute to polarization is America.
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