Thursday, March 12, 2009
Blog Post 2 Logan White
He also mentions the media in the way it attempts to boost ratings by reporting stories that are intended to induce different feelings, usually at the cost of more important issues. But this has an adverse effect because it increases cynicism and reduced trust in the government because if people cannot trust the media, how can they trust the government knowing that the government controls the media.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Blog 2:Kisan Chhotalal
I chose the points Strak stated at the end of his e-letter; which are, “not all issues have two equal sides”, “an opinion is a valuable resource” and “don’t be scared to speak up.” These points clearly help acknowledge the polarization in America. When stating an issue, it can have multiple sides to it, rather than just two. Also opinions are valuable resources, without them you can’t be open to suggestions. Speaking up also helps get your opinion out to the people. If you don’t speak up then no one will hear what you have to say, and you will have to settle for other people’s opinions.
I can say I have contributed to our argumentative culture. When I tend to play sports or just do any normal thing. Like when I was young the littlest things would anger me and I would go off on anyone. In sports I would tend to argue with the players and take out my frustration on the other team. Most of the time I would get into trouble and have to think about my actions, but now I’ve learned to control it and I don’t get as angry anymore, but there are them times.
Blog Post 2 Chad Isenhart
Polarization in America -- Andres Acosta
In Strak's e-letter he talks about the growing culture of polarization in America. He states that as we move into the future, many people have become much more assertive and willing to argue to get what they want. I totally agree with what Strak is trying to inform because I work for Best Buy and many times we get customers who just want to come to the store and give us a hard time. Many customers ask for help and when they are given help they go completely against our recommendations! I ask myself, "Why do they ask for help then!" "Haha, we are all trained and know what we are talking about and yet they go against our recommendations!" This really makes me angry, yet it just makes me laugh at the ignorance of people these days. With an ever growin economic crisis in America today, people are starting to look for the easy way out to many problems. Many customers are buying "cheaper" and when warned that you get for what you pay they often do not listen! Next thing you know they are back in customer service asking why that $299 laptop crashed on them or why it wont run fast! All we can say is "if it's not defective what else did you expect from a $299 laptop, thats why we offered the better one for $200 more!"
Other times, we have customers who ask for help and they learn from what we have to say about a product and then bring their 11 year old son claiming he is a "computer specialist" and that what we told them was a lie according to the 11 year old "specialist". This just provokes laughter inside of me, as if they did not know that half of us are trained and with some sort of degree in computers in the department.
This is why I agree with Strak, this culture is changing, and for the most part it is getting worse. Like many people have said, it was better in the old days when children had one parent in the home to teach them the right ways, but with economic struggles, more parents are gettin harder jobs and more women are leaving the house for jobs and children are left alone to learn from the wrong crowd!
Blog 2 Zachary Hoffmann
Blog 2: Jerry Strack's e-Letter on Tannen's Book The Argument Culture, By, Joey Ruggiero
Blog 2-- Lisa Melchiorre
Blog 2 Andrew Corke
Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh screaming in my head. Reading this made me think of the main reason I hate to visit home. My Grandma has lived with us in our house since 1994. She is now 88 years old and she is extremely bias. She Is also is hard of hearing, I don’t know if it is because of the radio she sits next to all day blaring on 100 volume or of old age. She is completely right wing to the point she is like radical talk show host’s who wont take one minute to hear the other side’s opinion. I try to speak reason to her but she believes such things as “Obama is going to turn America into Africa and we will be fighting with spears” and “Obama is going to jail all the whites”. So when Tannen mentioned “the age of blue and red states” it pertained to me directly. I have heard the screaming of these radical republican talk show hosts for 16 years. All of my best friends, my 3 roommates, my boss and my coworkers are Democrats so I also hear the other side of the argument, things such as “Obama will save the world”. I am an artist, and when it pertains to these maters I try my best to be neither red or blue but grey. I realize these either “red or blue” sides has been a part of us since the creation of this country with the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist’s, but it is clearly evident of “the appetite for the rise in polarization, conflict, and argument” today in America. I have sat and listened to Mark Levin take a liberal caller and freak out at them on the phone before they have even uttered a word; then disconnect them, yelling “Get out of here you stupid Idiot” as soon as they start talking. I believe this environment that I grew up in ultimately shaped who I am today, I completely hate arguing and rather take the compromising approach to these issues.
Post 2: Strak's e-letter
I see myself as someone who is always willing to listen to other people's opinion. Of course that doesn't mean that I see eye to eye with everybody. I believe that in order to learn we need to close our mouth and open our ears, and that means listening to what others have to say. you can learn something new, or see an argument in a different light. You don't have to agree with everyone, but you can try and put yourself in their shoes and see where they are coming from. this way you can at least look at both sides and judge fairly and come to a compromise where the majority benefits.
Strak's thoughts
I have definitely contributed to this by being a very aggressive player in any sport, even if it was track. I always look for first, even if I know I will be beat. This was put into my mind as a kid that I can do anything and should always look to be the best on the field or court. Plus I can get angered easily, and strike someone back in retaliation, when instead I should play it cool and not let it get to me.
Blog 2: E Letter by Deborah Tannen
Blog Post 2:Jerry Straks Arguement Culture E-Letter, Zack Newman
Click to watch:
I feel that this video supports my claim that our world has become overwhelmed and consumed with the feeling that there are only two stances to each arguement and issue; good and bad, wrong or right. In this video you will see the extreme case of two sides becoming so consumed with being right that they resort to all out war.
Blog 2: Polarization
derails the very results we purport to seek."(Straks 1) I think that many lawyers have forgotten the real reason why the study of law is so important. The need to win an argument has clouded the objectivity of finding the truth. The increase in lawsuits also supports the need to win in argument to obtain funds.
Blog 2: Jerry Straks E-Letter Sara Rieveley
When Jerry stated that our agonistic culture encourages us to face the world and its people in an adversarial frame of mind it made me think of the recent war the U.S. is fighting. The War on Iraq made American citizens start conflicts. It divided the country by people who wanted to be in the war against people who did not want to be in the war. Wars make people more aggressive because of all the fighting and conflicts going on. I also remember my friends telling me about a fight that occurred in their church one day. Someone had said something to upset another, and right in the middle of the service a fist fight broke out. Church is meant to be a peaceful place for most people to get away from confrontation and arguments. What is this world coming to? In this video I found, a fight broke out in Chuck E Cheese, which is a place for children to go and have fun!
Click to watch:
I believe that girls live for argumentation. It is what most girls do best, so of course I have been one to be a part of polarization. However, it was usually over stupid stuff, like not calling one another or boys. Now, I have learned who to stay away from to not have to deal with it anymore. I mean everyone has arguments every once and awhile, but I believe I have helped myself and the culture by getting away from it.
Blog post 2: Stephanie Kumetz (last part that didnt go throug)
I guess because I sometimes depending on the day, time, temp, cloud positioning, have a short-fuse, I could end up at some point and time contributing to polarization. I could just complete ignore ignorant people, or just learn that when the clouds are positioned in that certain way i just keep my mouth shut. ^^
Blog 2 Brad Duffy
The three things I took from this, is that your opinion no matter how much you may or may not like something, is not always the what you should base your thoughts on, on the other hand one mans trash is another mans treasure. I also will have to agree 100% that society in general is far more harsh then 10 years ago. Literally I have heard major legal lawsuits ranging from the classic finger in the Wendy's Chili incident to individual state governments, actually going against federal laws (California medicinal marijuana laws).
The most recent even I can think of that brings this article home, is about little girl whose mother allowed her to wander around a Dillards department store. In this case the little girl was wearing a dress and crawled onto the escalator, the dress got caught in the escalator and she lost a solid chuck of hair. The mother sued the department store for 1.2 million dollars(which she later wins). The mothers case went to the stores lack of safety, which resulted in her daughter loosing most of her hair. I personally think the mother should have left it alone and been happy all that resulted was some hair loss vs. a finger, however I feel that the Mother should have been the one to blame, but I guess with the right of money you can do anything.
Blog post 2: Stephanie Kumetz
Women In The Business World
As for me, I would like to think that I don't much contribute to our argumentative culture but probably have a big impact on it with my extremely competitive nature. With the sports I play, when tension is high and emotions are running wild, I'll admit I may make a point to be an instigator just to shake things up a bit. I could definitely save a lot of verbal and physical fights by spreading a better sense of sportsmanship throughout my athletic endeavours.
Blog 2 Mary Dalla Costa

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Blog Post 2: Jerry Strack's Review of Deborah Tannen's Book Argument Culture

Go to the Week 9 lesson folder and read Jerry Strak's e-letter in which he reviews Deborah Tannen's book The Argument Culture about the growing polarization of America.
Extract three important concepts Strak discusses in the e-letter. In the review, Strack states that our agonistic culture encourages us to face the world and its people in an adversarial frame of mind. Provide examples from the media, from politics, or from your personal life which supports the theory that we Americans contribute to both "the appetite for and the rise in polarization, conflict, and argument" (Strak).
Have you contributed to this polarization in any way? What could you personally do to counter America's argument culture?
Feel free to upload a graphic or a video which supports your claim that there is a growing polarization in America.
Respond to at least two of your peers posts by using the comment function.
Monday, March 9, 2009
E-Trade Commercial Commercial Analysis by Vanessa Warble
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Andrew Corke World of Warcraft Commercials
Mr. T
Verne Troyer
William Shatner