Go to the Week 9 lesson folder and read Jerry Strak's e-letter in which he reviews Deborah Tannen's book The Argument Culture about the growing polarization of America.
Extract three important concepts Strak discusses in the e-letter. In the review, Strack states that our agonistic culture encourages us to face the world and its people in an adversarial frame of mind. Provide examples from the media, from politics, or from your personal life which supports the theory that we Americans contribute to both "the appetite for and the rise in polarization, conflict, and argument" (Strak).
Have you contributed to this polarization in any way? What could you personally do to counter America's argument culture?
Feel free to upload a graphic or a video which supports your claim that there is a growing polarization in America.
Respond to at least two of your peers posts by using the comment function.
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