Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blog 2: Jerry Straks E-Letter Sara Rieveley

Jerry Straks persuaded me in his beliefs that our culture is having an increase in argumentation and violence. He states that he has seen a great increase in lawsuits that in earlier eras would have been resolved in two simple words, "I'm sorry!" In sports Jerry uses the example of the old Green Bay Packers coach, Vince Lombardi. Vince Lombardi stated, "Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing!" When Jerry heard this quote he was appalled by the lack of sportsmanship; however, he followed it during his sports career. Jerry also comments on the medias use of polarization. The media has a tendency to release bogus or distorted information.
When Jerry stated that our agonistic culture encourages us to face the world and its people in an adversarial frame of mind it made me think of the recent war the U.S. is fighting. The War on Iraq made American citizens start conflicts. It divided the country by people who wanted to be in the war against people who did not want to be in the war. Wars make people more aggressive because of all the fighting and conflicts going on. I also remember my friends telling me about a fight that occurred in their church one day. Someone had said something to upset another, and right in the middle of the service a fist fight broke out. Church is meant to be a peaceful place for most people to get away from confrontation and arguments. What is this world coming to? In this video I found, a fight broke out in Chuck E Cheese, which is a place for children to go and have fun!

Click to watch:

I believe that girls live for argumentation. It is what most girls do best, so of course I have been one to be a part of polarization. However, it was usually over stupid stuff, like not calling one another or boys. Now, I have learned who to stay away from to not have to deal with it anymore. I mean everyone has arguments every once and awhile, but I believe I have helped myself and the culture by getting away from it.


  1. I just watched the video you pasoted and feel like I'm about to throw up!! This is a place where parents bring their kids to have a good time and here goes this pregnant woman getting into a fist fight with a mob of people. This women isn't fit to have the kids she already has much less the one on the way. What kind of wessage did those kids learn that day? Its okay to fight and carry on when you don't get your way, thats what they learned and thats what they're going to live by. It's sad that we can't even go into Chuck E' Cheeses any more without having a conflict like this.

  2. Yes girls do live for the arguement. Hint, hint. You also stole my idea of our current war in the Middle East.

  3. Shows like jerry Springer feed off people who get into our agonistic culture. the fist fight at Chucky Cheese reminded me of that.
