In strack's e-letter, he talks about various situations today that really add on the the whole scenario that we are becoming more aggressive and argumentative. There are more law suits, women are in the business world now and they have become more assertive and demanding, even sports are becoming incresingly violent and less tolerant for losing. I see unnecessary confrontation daily. I work in a before and after school program with children. Just yesterday, a parent flipped out on my boss because his daughter wasn't in out care. It wasn't our fault. I think people take less and less responsibilities for their own actions and many don't swallow their pride and apoplogize. "I'm sorry"...two little words that can end so much. Even children today are so different from me when I was younger. They seem quicker to talk back and not listen. They keep theirselves occupied with violent video games and act them out with their friends. Is it possible that the parenting techniques are lacking and are at fault? I think there's a possibility. A lot of parents seem to have that "oh no...not my kid" mentallity. Their child is always perfect. If you could go back in time and compare a typical household decades ago, there would definately be a huge difference. I believe it definately has something to do with the way confrontaion is dealt with today. I try to do my part by being a good care giver and in the future, I hopefully will be a good teacher, too. I don't think I add on to the issue. Hopefully, I help lament it.
I agree 100% with your claim here!! Kids nowdays have no respect and their parents are the main cause. My girlfriend also works with kids and every day she comes home and tells me how kids don't listen to, respect, or sometimes even acknowledge that she, along with the other employees, are the authority in that environment. Apologies shouldn't have to be forced but thats what we're teaching these kids. You don't have to feel sorry, you just have to say and keep do the same actions repeatedly. We can all help turn around this polarization in the same way that you are, start these young children off on the right foot teaching them manners, discipline, respect, and decency.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your claim too! kids now a days need to learn to be respectful, which is what we grew up learning. But most kids (not all) are way to into their games, and movies to realize what is real, and what isn't. And that needs to change.
ReplyDeleteThat is so true! Parents never think their children do anything wrong when their children are usually the worst out of all the children. Their children are like that because their parents do not even care to realize that they are bad. Shouldn't some people just not be parents?
ReplyDeleteI have seen so many similar situations to this one. So many parents want to be their kid's best friend instead of their mom and dad. It still surprises me when I see a eight year old with a cell phone.The times change, and so do parenting skills.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I see kids all the time fighting with there parents and yelling at them and saying no to them. When I was younger I wouldn't have even thought about saying no to my parents or disrespecting an adult. Parents need to start teaching there kids a little more respect.
ReplyDeleteI like the fact that you mention violent video games as a cause, I most definitely agree with that. Also I liked the fact that you used a picture, it gave me the idea and a few others to include a picture.
ReplyDeleteI also liked the graphic to represent the idea of our agonistic culture. The rock em and sock 'em is so violent, don't you think?
ReplyDeleteEven in Little League baseball, the parents get very aggressive with the children's coaches. We are surrounded by violence and aggression, aren't we.