Monday, March 2, 2009

What Has Weed Done To You by Brian Parent

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
"what has weed done for you?" Brian Parent

The commercial that I viewed was a public service announcement commercial. It was geared towards teens that have smoked or have thought about smoking marijuana. The commercial was able to connect with the viewers because they came up with situations that all of us have been through or can picture ourselves going through. Each situation that was brought up depicted a person doing something out of the ordinary that they usually wouldn’t do if they were in a sober state of mind. The music in the background was also catchy and it would probably make a person my age look at the television if they weren’t already.


  1. I am dying to see or have a link to this public service announcement on the subject of marajuana. Also, I was hoping that you would identify the propaganda techniques from the McClintock article or the PowerPoint presentation on advertising techniques that would connect the ad to the technique.

  2. I hope this was the ad you were talking about. If not, go into YouTube and copy and paste the code which is on the right hand side of the screen under url.
