Wednesday, April 1, 2009

blog posting- Brad

4. Do you agree that “public flogging and amputation may be more barbaric forms of punishment than imprisonment” (376)? Explain your answer using information from Chapman’s essay.

I really think that public flogging is a far better option for imprisonment. If we were to switch to such methods we would we would save huge amounts of money. Tax payers would be paying for the actual punishment of criminals vs. paying to keep them, feed them, house them etc etc etc....Its just a overall better situation for everyone, whats one day of pure hell when compared to a life time in a 6 x 6 prison cell.

However I really hate the idea of prison, and death sentences, I really think England had it right back in the day, export all prisoners to Australia and let them live in a twisted peace there (maybe not Australia). Middle Eastern traditions have been followed for thousands of years, and as larger influences start to open the minds of the traditionalist, and they refuse to accept change, it is a shame, I just hope those that those who are suffering because of this are making a difference for future generations.


  1. If you think about it, all prison is is a huge money pit for tax payers!! I thought the criminals were the ones who were supposed to be punished not the citizens...With all the money we would be saving from imprisoning a felon, we could be sending millions of kids to college and the crime rate would fall dramatically. I really liked your idea of sending them away to an island like that though...all we would need is a boat, make them row themselves there and then let them govern there little state however they please...this could be interesting!

  2. You give some really good details, but i really don't think flogging would be a good idea for imprisonment.

  3. You needed to address the question of which one is more barbaric, not which is the better option, don't you think? Be sure and use at least one page reference to lend more credibility to your argument.
