Public flogging and amputation are without a doubt, two horrible forms of punishment. But then again, so is incarceration. If given the choice, my answer is clear. But the proposed question does strike an interesting response. Both punishments are definitely horrible and something that no one would want to face. My answer is definitely clear. I strongly believe that public flogging and amputation are more barbaric forms of punishment than imprisonment.
Although, both are terrifying, only one is barbaric. To be barbaric it must be uncivilized and primitive. Chopping off hands and limbs for public display is certainly uncivilized in all ways. Or how about 10,000 civilians shouting and cheering at the torture of 26 convicts (372). "Such traditions, we all must agree, are no signs of an advanced civilization (373)." Punishing in public, personal humiliation and bloodshed for public enjoyment is the definition for barbaric.
Now you might think that ten years in prison is horrible, and indeed it is. But it is in no sense barbaric. The United States, as an advanced culture, prefers to keep its punishment secretive. Public gallows and flogging is obsolete and ridiculous behavior the US needs to avoid. For we "...prefer that out cruelties be kept out of sight, and out of mind (376)."

I agree with what you say about the flogging and how it is barbaric and uncivilized. No one should have to go through that, unless it was REALLY necessary.
ReplyDeleteYou present a convincing argument. Thanks.