Do you agree that “public flogging and amputation may be more barbaric forms of punishment than imprisonment” (376)? Explain your answer using information from Chapman’s essay.
I do agree with the statement, " public flogging and amputation may be more barbaric forms of punishment than imprison." The only reason I agree with it is because it has the word "may." The islam way of punishment for breaking Koranic laws is extreme but the most important aspect is that it is done infront of the public. This type of violence will dissensitize people to violence. For an example, say one gets queezy when they see blood, the more this person is exposed to blood the less they will feel sick. But this is not to say imprisonment in American jails is not barbaric. I have never been in a prison but I have seen documentaries about it and to me it seems like a dirty place where dirty mean violent people go when they get caught for their crime. They don't care about the world outside anymore when they are facing decades in prison. It's almost as if the prisoners have time traveled back to the cave man days.
Insightful post, Vanessa. You should click on the insert graphic and put in the photo like I did. Also, don't forget to include your name next to the title of your post.