Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Blog 4-- Lisa Melchiorre

4. Do you agree that “public flogging and amputation may be more barbaric forms of punishment than imprisonment” (376)? Explain your answer using information from Chapman’s essay.

I for the most part disagree, I think that flogging and amputation can send a stronger message. If you lose your hand or you know someone else who has you'll think twice before committing a crime. Our prisons can be overcrowded and if our facilities did their best to make the criminals see and realize what they done was wrong then maybe our way of punishment will not be more barbaric. I think it depends on the crime as well, it makes sense why they cut off someone's hand if they steal something rather than be in a prison for a few years while being tortured/bothered by other inmates. You are either going to deal with quick pain, or constant pain inflicted by others. In the end I believe that flogging and amputation may not be more barbaric than living in a cell with 3 other people all who you don't know and all who are capable of different threatening crimes.


  1. I agree with you completely. Doing anything in a public manner is very effective mainly because it is beyond humiliating.

  2. I agree with you when you said it would send a stronger message, but the inmates in our facilities obviously know what they did was wrong. Why else would they be there? The element I believe we lack as a society trying to dicipline criminals is the lack of fear. Not everyone is going to fear being locked up. I definately think no one would ever like to loose and arm! I wonder if they use any anesthsia?

  3. I agree that flogging and amputation do send a strong message, and it may even be justifiable. However not everyone who is accused of a crime, is also guilty. There have been many cases where the alleged criminal was found innocent after undeservedly serving many years in prison.

  4. You do bring an interesting point but in no way is imprisonment more barbaric than public AMPUTATION, WHIPPING, HANGING and so on. I don't see incarceration in any way barbaric at all. Yes, perhaps it might be more cruel, but in no way is it barbaric. Imprisonment is a common way for advanced societies to punish its perpetrators. Only Barbarians chop off body parts for all to see.

  5. i agree and disagree with you,
    yes it will teach others a lesson by showing them what will happen to them if they are cuaght
    but a person in prison will go through even more pain that will make them not want to go back, a severed hand will make a person want to get back at the governement that cut their hand off, it has its advantages and disadvantages

  6. Yeah I agree with you with the deterrence factor, I wonder how many Thefts over there are walking around without any hands, Probably none. I'm sure right as they where about to reach for something to steal with their one hand, they thought twice :)

  7. I agree but disagree with what you say. I think amputation can be more barbaric then a person going to prison. When it is to a little child. But a grown adult should know better. Unless it was life or death.

  8. You bring up some good points. True flogging and amputation might set a stronger message, but making them sit in prison and think about what they did might make them think twice before they do that crime again.

  9. Be sure and reference your opinions with a credible authority, like Chapman.
