Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Stephanie Kumetz blog pot 4

4. Do you agree that “public flogging and amputation may be more barbaric forms of punishment than imprisonment” (376)? Explain your answer using information from Chapman’s essay.

I believe that it depends on the situation and what the crime is. I believe that flogging and amputation can and will send a very strong message to people that really care or are smart enough to know that they will get caught. But you will always have people that think other wise. When it comes to the barbaric forms of punishment like amputation I think this could be a good form of punishment, but not in every way. We like to see people suffer for what they have done wrong. But cutting of a small boys hand for taking food when he is hungry is even more barbaric. But to make such things public is what keeps me for agree with punishment 100% of the time. Chapman said "To choose imprisonment over flogging and amputation in not to choose human kindness over cruelty, but merely to prefer that our cruelties be kept out of sight, and out of mind."


  1. Good point about how the consequence depends on the crime. Some people do crimes, and don't care about the consequences. So going to the extreme of flogging and amputation, may be necessary when criminals don't care about jail time.

  2. i think regardless of the crime you should have flogging or amputation. I think that is taking it to far, but good job on stating your opinion.

  3. I wish you had explained that quote more. It says something about Western societies that is not very reference?
