Thursday, April 2, 2009

Andres Acosta -- Blog Post 4

4. Do you agree that “public flogging and amputation may be more barbaric forms of punishment than imprisonment” (376)? Explain your answer using information from Chapman’s essay.

I agree with the idea that flogging and amputation are more barbaric forms of punishment than imprisionment because it goes all the way back to the old days. Back in old cultures and civilizations people were punished by amputation of limbs and flogging. By people enforcing these punishments today we are showing that we are not civilized (p.373) and have not developed new ethical ways to punish our criminals. Personally I believe that although amputating limbs and flogging is a barbaric form of punishment, it is an easy way out for criminals! Many criminal would rather go through a harsh quick pain than have to deal with being in jail for many years! Yes, being captive may be the worst thing ever since it would drive many crazy. This is why many prisoners decide to not care about their freedom and keep commiting crimes inside of the jail like killing other inmates. Although amputation and flogging seems to be more barbaric by all means than imprisionment, keeping a person locked up for many years seems to be the worst punishment indeed.


  1. I agree with what you say, about how it shouldn't be allowed and how if it was it would be uncivilized. Good job on supporting the topic and also good job on giving good details.

  2. I agree with you, also, Andres, especially if it is solitary confinement, or being in a jail in a foreign country and not knowing if you will ever be released.
