Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Zack Newman Blog Post numero tres

4) My family and I had gone to my friends house for the day to hang out on a summer day. Cory, my friend, and I were about 8 years old at the time and my younger brother was about 4. We had all spent the day playing around the neighborhood and swimming in his pool like kids that age do during the summer. We had all just sat down to eat dinner out by the pool on the patio table, Jake, Cory, Dianna, Cindy, my mom, and myself. As we all eat are spectacular pasta, with meatballs and sweet bread with butter. Jake gets up like he is heading towards the bathroom, but instead he darts towards the pool. He can not swim yet by the way. Jake leaps into the deep end as both parents are yelling without moving an inch yet and Corey and Dianna are left speechless. Jake hits the water and sinks like a rock and as he hit the water I had already begun to run towards the pool. I picked Jake up off the bottom of the deep end and pulled him onto the steps as everyone else has still yet to move towards the pool. I was 8 years old and was the only person to react in this emergency and if it were not for me I dont know if Jake would be here today.


  1. You're a hero. Its just ridiculous to think that with four people there who were older it took an eight year old to react and save the child's life.

  2. Great story, but you needed to answer the other three questions to get full points on this blog post.

  3. Sweet story, but you need to answer more questions : (
