Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blog 2: Jerry Strack's e-Letter on Tannen's Book The Argument Culture, By, Joey Ruggiero

Jerry Strack's letter gives you all the information you need and more about Tannen's book and brings a real understanding to how argument has become a apparent issue. He points out how it has been around forever but lately it has been making sports more violent and advocating bad sportsmanship. Such as how he comments on Vince Lombardi's famous saying "Winning isn't everything.Its the only thing!" Which point blank frames out an argument that winning is the only thing and there is no losing but the fact of the matter is that losing has a great deal to do with winning. Nobody wins before they lose at least a couple of times. A true winner loses as many times as it takes to find out what they are doing wrong so they can fix it and succeed. For me though arguing isn't my strong suit and I never like to but, when people argue with me on certain things that I am very passionate about it becomes difficult to hold back. None the less if I find myself in this kind of situation I tell my self its better to be nice than to win an argument and look like an ass... Which if the rest of America came to terms with this and ended the polarization then we wouldn't have this issue in the first place.


  1. I really liked your idea and feelings on the quote "Winning isn't everything.Its the only thing!" I agree with you 100% and stand behind you when you say this. Nice post.

  2. I liked your comment "losing has a great deal to do with winning." You are absolutely right in saying that we learn so much when we risk and lose than if we don't risk at all. I ditto Chad's comment, "Nice post."

  3. As a competitive sport player myself I can relate to the quote that winning isnt everything, its the only thing. But, the way I was coached changed my veiws on that and I feel that everything is about fun and competition, not only winning. Great points.
