Monday, March 9, 2009

E-Trade Commercial Commercial Analysis by Vanessa Warble

For my blog post, I used the commercial for E trade. This advertisement consists of a baby using E Trade on the computer while he is on a webcam. It shows the baby talking as if he were an adult but he is explaining how easy it is to use Etrade and even a baby can do it. This commercial uses the Testimonial approach using a baby's fictional acedote. The humorous dialogue of the baby keeps viewers coming back for more. They have made multiple commercials using the same baby because this commercial attracts so many people and the baby has become a sort of a mascot for the company.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure if the baby is an example of the testimonial propaganda technique as the baby isn't a celebrity.
    The baby does become a kind of celebrity because he is used in several of their commercials.
    Besides using humor, I think that the baby might be an example of the Plain Folks technique. Here is a person in the body of a baby talking like an adult, a typical guy who uses his phone to email, trade, talk to his girlfriend.
