Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blog 2: Polarization

In this day and age, money and power have become one of the most important achievements in life. Everyone wants to have their opinion be right, so that everyone else will agree with them. Some people use their power of pursuasion negatively. One examples is lawyers. Their job is arguing to prove their point. However, not all lawyers are doing their job for the greater good. Some are arguing for something just to obtain money in return for their services. In the E-Letter, Jerry Straks make a very interesting point;"She (Tannen) points out that in a variety of ways we in the UnitedStates unconsciously contribute to both the appetite for and the rise in polarization, conflict, and argument. Little of this serves the pursuit of truth. Most of it actually
derails the very results we purport to seek."(Straks 1) I think that many lawyers have forgotten the real reason why the study of law is so important. The need to win an argument has clouded the objectivity of finding the truth. The increase in lawsuits also supports the need to win in argument to obtain funds.


  1. I agree with you that lawyers can be corrupt. Another aspect of this topic is why people are sueing. I have read articles that talk about someone who was robbing a house tripped and broke a leg and sued the family that he was robbing.

  2. I agree that it seems to be a common trend that now more than ever people are trying to "win" every arguement at all costs now. Winning with pride and dignity is no longer a concern for many people anymore.

  3. Excellent point about lawyers. I know they get a bad rap but some will argue against their morality to win a case.
