Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Polarization in America -- Andres Acosta

In Strak's e-letter he talks about the growing culture of polarization in America. He states that as we move into the future, many people have become much more assertive and willing to argue to get what they want. I totally agree with what Strak is trying to inform because I work for Best Buy and many times we get customers who just want to come to the store and give us a hard time. Many customers ask for help and when they are given help they go completely against our recommendations! I ask myself, "Why do they ask for help then!" "Haha, we are all trained and know what we are talking about and yet they go against our recommendations!" This really makes me angry, yet it just makes me laugh at the ignorance of people these days. With an ever growin economic crisis in America today, people are starting to look for the easy way out to many problems. Many customers are buying "cheaper" and when warned that you get for what you pay they often do not listen! Next thing you know they are back in customer service asking why that $299 laptop crashed on them or why it wont run fast! All we can say is "if it's not defective what else did you expect from a $299 laptop, thats why we offered the better one for $200 more!"

Other times, we have customers who ask for help and they learn from what we have to say about a product and then bring their 11 year old son claiming he is a "computer specialist" and that what we told them was a lie according to the 11 year old "specialist". This just provokes laughter inside of me, as if they did not know that half of us are trained and with some sort of degree in computers in the department.

This is why I agree with Strak, this culture is changing, and for the most part it is getting worse. Like many people have said, it was better in the old days when children had one parent in the home to teach them the right ways, but with economic struggles, more parents are gettin harder jobs and more women are leaving the house for jobs and children are left alone to learn from the wrong crowd!


  1. I can see how that would be annoying. I worked for a Guitar Center in Jacksonville and we had the same kind of problem all the time. People assume we were just trying to get them to buy more expensive things, but we were really just trying to accomodate their needs.

  2. Love your graphic, Andres!! I am not sure that you can draw the connection between one-parent family units and an agonistic culture. I don't think we want to go back to the 50s with women barefoot in the kitchen with baby in tow. Ha!!

  3. Well I am not saying that it was better when women did not work. I am not against women rights, but I do however believe parents should be more involved in their homes than work so that they can provide good parenting to their children. Many parents nowadays work and give their children everything just to shut them up! "Bobby wants a Laptop, ok here you go take it just shut up!!!" It should not be like this, In my family I was always raised to earn my things. Even though I was an only child, I was not as spoiled as people think. I had to earn my stuff by behaving well, respecting others, being a good student, and most importantly being humble and modest. My parents always taught me to never forget who I am and where I came from no matter what! This are things I find very Important and the upbringing of a child.

  4. Oh, I do see your point now. Many children appear to be very spoiled and have the attitude that they are entitled to things without having to work for them. On the other hand, I see so many first year students who are holding down part time jobs, having to pay for their books, their expenses, etc.
    Respect and manners seemed to have gone by the wayside with this entitlement generation.
    It is tough on parents to hold down their jobs to put bread on the table and involve themselves in their children's lives. I think if families all decide to sit down and have dinner together, this would help.
