Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Strak's thoughts

Strak's concept about our nation having a "decreasing sense of community" (Strak), is completely right about our country growing into a more headstrong and proud group that thinks they are too good for apologies since it will be degrading for them. Instead of apologies, people now take the argument to court, and sue for money, and not confronting the person with their thoughts. Strak also brings up the idea that winning is the only thing quoted by Vince Lombardi. Losing is not an option, and that thought has been drilled into kid’s minds about everything, sports, grades, leadership positions, and much more. No kid thinks that it’s alright to get second, third, and definitely not last. Strak also states that women of today are becoming more involved in the business world and are losing sight on being the mother that past generations have set their minds too. Girls today instead are taught that they can be the one to bring home the most money, and let the husband be the stay at home parent.

I have definitely contributed to this by being a very aggressive player in any sport, even if it was track. I always look for first, even if I know I will be beat. This was put into my mind as a kid that I can do anything and should always look to be the best on the field or court. Plus I can get angered easily, and strike someone back in retaliation, when instead I should play it cool and not let it get to me.


  1. You pulled out very good points from the summary. Vince Lombardi is speaking for everyone in the country that has a competitive spirit. The only time that this statement seems "wrong" is when it is put into context with polarization. This teaches children that 2nd place should not be an option but there is not 1st unless there is a 2nd. Someone will always lose. How is a parent suppose to teach a child that 1st place is the best and when they lose tell them it's okay?

  2. The whole thing on child today don't want to accept losing is so true! I work with children and I can definately tell some stories on how some children just can't stand to lose a game. But, I mostly see it in girls. Maybe in the future, we might see more and more aggressive little girls since more and more women are becoming aggressive business colleges?

  3. I agree with you on people not wanting to take responsibility for their actions, and instead try to take their stubbornness all the way to court.

  4. I agree with you about the winning is everything, and losing is not an option. Once young kids are taught that they don't want anything else except to win. Its better to have fun then to win.

  5. At the same time, collaboration and cooperation are needed in team sports to train and do well. We are an individualistic society where competition is favored over cooperation and that leads to an agonistic society.
