Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Blog 5 -- Lisa Melchiorre

2. Find a current commerical in which a hip-hop artist advertises a product. Discuss the video as it relates to the role of marketing and advertising in the artist’s career. Make sure you provide examples to argue the thesis that hip-hop artists have (or have not) blurred the line between music and merchandise.

Is hip-hop more open to identifying itself with brands? Is hip-hop more entrepreneurial than rock or pop? “…has black talk been used openly, knowingly, and not mockingly to sell products” (Savan 195)?

This commercial allows the product, Dr Pepper, to be viewed as “flavalicious” and one that will wake you up in the middle of a lecture class. It aims at college students and for those who know the artist Flava Flave, then they will recognize the singers voice at the beginning of the commercial. I think the commercial helps him promote his popularity and keeps him in the spotlight.
I think that hip-hop has the same value of rock or pop commercials. Pepsi commercials by Britney Spears and other commercials done by other artists have the same popularity. I don’t think that black talk is used to mock products, but is a good way to sell products. I remember when 1-800-ASK-GARY commercial first came out and the woman was saying “Don’t be scared and confused” in “black talk” and so many people talked and mimicked it because it was entertaining.


  1. I like your video and what you had to say.

  2. I don't remember that 1-800-ask gary commercial. Youtube has lots of spoofs on it, but I don't know what the original was about. Good comment, Lisa.

  3. I like this video, you also had very good points.
